skeleton generator
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retrieving shape nodes of a given type from a list of items

july 2008
string $selection[]: list of items to be scanned
string $shapeType: node type of the shapes to be found
return: string[] of found shapes
> zip download

number of control vertex in a curve

july 2008
input: string $curve
return: an integer
> zip download

moving the pivot on the given curve's first vertex

july 2008
input: requires one or more curves selected
return: none
¬ zip download

rebuilding a curve from scratch

july 2008
int $deleteOriginalCurve : Boolean = indicates if the original curves are to be deleted or not
int $nCvToDiscard : number of points to be discarded in a curve's tail
return: none
> zip download

copying shave material

july 2008
int $firtOrLast : (0 or 1) = decide if you want to copy the material from first or last node
return: none
> zip download

hide or show shave nodes at render time

july 2008
input : a selection of shave items
return: none
> zip download

hide or show all shave nodes at render time

july 2008
int $active : Boolean = 0 for "hide all" and 1 for "show all"
return : none
> zip download